Please find attached, an OCFA wildfire home assessment flyer and an OCFA home risk assessment form. The OCFA will meet at your home to conduct a fire risk assessment at no charge.
OCFA Home Assessment and Risk Management

Please find attached, an OCFA wildfire home assessment flyer and an OCFA home risk assessment form. The OCFA will meet at your home to conduct a fire risk assessment at no charge.
Cox has determined that their network is underperforming in the community. Due to the increased demand for more fiber bandwidth and increased reliability, they are needing to change out an existing pedestal to a more vented new pedestal. See inside for details.
Please see inside the following Security Alert for USA residents.
Do not delay, set up a FREE Home Assessment to protect your home today! Categories, such as, Landscaping, Construction and Safety are important to understand what you can do as a Homeowner to better protect your home in the hope of surviving a wildfire.
Several areas of this community website have been secured and will require you to log in to view the secured pages. Please log in using your KPPM Connection email address and password. If you have not registered to use our
We are excited to announce Pacific Ridge Community Association’s newly designed community website. Our website’s new look, user-friendly navigation and responsive design are just some of the new features you will enjoy. Residents can obtain the latest newsletter, board meeting minutes,
The KPPM Connection is an online tool that offers enhanced homeowner services. Using the portal, you can: Make Online Payments View Current and Previous Statements and Billing Inserts Print Account History Reports View and Update Enhanced Email Notification Features Please click